Monday, May 08, 2006

Intro: There's Something About Mary

I first started reading Mary Balogh's novel a few months ago and fell in love with her style of writing and her characters. Although I find her plots are not remarkable, I feel that her characters are complex and her analysis and understanding of their emotions so deep that it amazed me. And thus, I became addicted to her books which are so descriptive and so understanding of real feelings and emotions.

I realise that many of her novels are out of print and initially I was quite shocked to see the prices of her used books. However, I am determined to read and collect all her novels however long it takes. In this blog I will keep a log of the Mary Balogh books I have purchased and read as I continue to collect her work. I will also write a short review of each book that I have read to remind me of what I felt after reading the books.


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